Saturday, November 12, 2011

Survival can be comfortable

Oh-h-h Harry, you are so romantic.


We do agree on something. You’re miserable when I’m comfortable. I’m comfortable when you’re miserable.

Is this a symbiotic relationship?

So-o-o-o, my darling, why aren’t we living in a moderate climate? This state has a variety of climates to choose from.

The gauge to use seems to be elevation. We have lived at 8500 ft and at 1400 ft. Each of those offers an extreme in climate. Let’s average those. 4950 ft.

It would seem to me that living at 4950 ft would satisfy you in many areas where you have previously been dissatisfied.

You keep threatening that the Ice Age is imminent, at which time you will be freezing in the desert all year and I will be in my comfort zone.

Though I would welcome it and our property values would be through the roof, I would still be subject to your incessant complaints.

I want you to be happy.

Additionally, I will not base my life on impending doom…real or not.

Let’s deal with NOW.
As I’ve tried to summarize just what the heck your problem is, I’ve determined that your primary concern is expense.

If we lived at 4950 ft. we would save money. We would have very little need for A/C or heat. We could have a swamp cooler and a woodstove. Efficient and cheap…not to mention romantic.

“He who chops wood warms himself twice.”

And, what about this Ice Age thing? If it really does happen, we won’t have enough food on this planet. Shouldn’t we be talking about survival instead of whether we are “comfortable” or not.

Geez. Seems a little shallow to me. Bundle up!

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