Monday, October 24, 2011

Just who are Harry and Fairy?

Harry is a man: Strong, tall, dark, and handsome with big brown eyes. He is a husband, a father and a grandfather. He is gentle, kind, patient, smart, and witty. Professionally, he is a seeker of knowledge, a writer, an artist, and an entrepreneur. Harry is Yin. Harry is from Mars. Harry is an “afternoon” person. He is comfortable in hot, dry weather. His dream vacation is camping in Death Valley in August when there is no one else there.

Fairy is a woman: Rather round, short, fair-complected, blue-eyed natural blonde with white hair. She is a wife, a mother and a grandmother. She is an energetic optimist, her mind races with ideas and she talks too much. She also eats too much. She is a  “foodie”. Professionally, she is also a seeker of knowledge, a homemaker, a teacher, a real estate broker and an entrepreneur. Fairy is yang. Fairy is from Venus. Fairy is a morning person. She is most comfortable in cold, rainy or snowy weather. Her dream vacation is to be on an Alaskan Cruise and get dropped off for the winter with a fat wallet in a remote village with a good diner.

We hope to entertain, enlighten, and educate you with our differences of opinion and accumulated knowledge on a vast array of topics as we continue our search to find middle ground.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world--which needs more retiree-bloggers in it. (I checked your site out after you left a comment on my blog--wasn't sure what I'd find given the title.) For now, and being on the short and round side myself, I find myself favoring Fairy--which could possibly be related to the fact that I live in and love the wet, dark Pacific NW.
